A journey to reminisce about eternal history
To the eternal history A journey to reminisce

"Kamakura, just by its name
History and culture that transcends time,
The breathtaking beauty of nature
A place that reminds me."

“This ancient city once flourished as the capital of samurai,
It has retained its charm to this day without fading.
However, in order to gain a deep understanding of Kamakura and experience its true charm,
Prior knowledge is essential.
To that end, we would like to introduce you to the “Complete Guide to Kamakura Sightseeing.”
This guide is an introduction to the journey that leads to “Toshi’s Kamakura Sightseeing Map”.
We will provide a comprehensive overview of Kamakura and its charms that you should know before visiting.”


  • “The Kamakura Tourist Guide is designed for foreign visitors who are not familiar with Japanese culture and history.
    Through this guide, we will shed light on Kamakura’s important historical background and cultural significance.
    We make your visit to a tourist destination more than just a sightseeing experience.
    From the stories behind famous places such as the Great Buddha and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine,
    Introducing an overview of hidden places that symbolize the spirit of Kamakura,
    Deepen your interest in the places you should visit.”

  • “My purpose is to help you walk around Kamakura with “Toshi’s Kamakura Sightseeing Map” in hand.
    A deep sense of history and cultural connections that can be felt at each location.
    This is to help you understand it in advance.
    This guide will be your first step towards Kamakura’s rich history and culture.
    We hope to make each visitor’s visit to Kamakura richer and more memorable.”

  • “Are you ready?
    Arm yourself with this guide and “Toshi’s Kamakura Sightseeing Map” and start your journey through the history and culture of Kamakura.
    Furthermore, the subcategories of this tourist map introduce the highlights of seasonal flowers such as plums, hydrangeas, cherry blossoms, and autumn leaves, and fully introduce the beauty of Kamakura.
    Enjoy Kamakura’s rich scenery and culture through this tourist map.”

Toshi's Kamakura sightseeing map

This guide map was specially created for sightseeing in Kamakura. The purpose is to introduce tourist attractions in detail and deepen understanding of Japanese history and culture. We have created it in an easy-to-understand manner for overseas customers. It also introduces the highlights of the four seasons' flowers—plum blossoms, hydrangeas, cherry blossoms, and autumn leaves—and conveys the beauty of Kamakura. Enjoy the scenery and culture of Kamakura with this guide map.

history and culture

"In Kamakura
special accommodation experience"

"This tourist guide is As part of our hospitality for guests staying at Toshi's Place, In order to make your stay in Kamakura more enjoyable, It was created with consideration for people who are not familiar with Kamakura and its history. Of course, it can also be used by everyone visiting Kamakura."

Annual event calendar

"Kamakura colored by the four seasons ~History and nature through the annual event calendar~"

“In the various places in Kamakura that we have introduced, various events are held every season.
You can enjoy the charm of Kamakura depending on the season.”

“In order for everyone visiting Kamakura to have a deeper and richer experience of Kamakura, we have prepared a calendar that summarizes information on events held throughout the year.
This “Toshi’s Kamakura Event Calendar“, along with the sightseeing spots in each area introduced in the tourist guide, will help you discover even more of Kamakura’s charms by using it as a reference when planning your visit.
From local festivals to seasonal flower events and traditional events, experience Kamakura’s culture and natural beauty to the fullest. Please use this event calendar to plan your visit to Kamakura, along with the unique sightseeing spots in each area.

"Experience Kamakura beyond sightseeing
Kamakura hiking recommendations"

  • Hiking through the low mountains of Kamakura is more than just a stroll. As you pass through the park in the residential area, you will feel as if you have taken a journey through time, surrounded by the beauty of nature that has remained unchanged since the Kamakura period. This unique experience is a unique attraction that the mountains of Kamakura have to offer. If you get tired during the hike, you can take a break at the cafes and tourist spots that are easily accessible after descending the mountain. In this way, Kamakura hiking offers hidden ways to enjoy the area and gives visitors the opportunity to create unforgettable memories.

    • Strolling around
    • alone
    • with friends
    • Easy
  • To make the most of this wonderful experience, please use the “Kamakura Hiking Complete Guide.” This guide uses Toshi’s Kamakura Hiking Map to introduce a variety of hiking trails that can be enjoyed in the mountains surrounding Kamakura. This map organizes the multiple hiking trails in the city using a unique and simple route map that is easy to understand even for people from overseas. Each course has been specially selected to explore Kamakura’s hidden nature and history, providing visitors with a source of new discoveries and adventures.

    • bus
    • alone
    • with family
    • Relaxing
  • If you want to discover Kamakura’s nature with new eyes, feel the depth of its history, and have a unique hiking experience, be sure to pick up “Toshi’s Kamakura Hiking Map.” With this guide, you can fully enjoy the hidden charms of Kamakura hiking.

    • Strolling around
    • alone
    • with friends
    • Easy

Kamakura City Promotion Video

Useful information recommended by Toshi

A special accommodation experience in Kamakura

"This tourist guide is As part of our hospitality for guests staying at Toshi's Place, we created this website in consideration of those who are not familiar with Kamakura or its history, so that they can enjoy their stay in Kamakura more deeply. Of course, it can also be used by everyone visiting Kamakura."